Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom - Professional & Branded Zoom Backgrounds.FAQ: How to enable Virtual Background for the Zoom meeting? | OCIO

Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom - Professional & Branded Zoom Backgrounds.FAQ: How to enable Virtual Background for the Zoom meeting? | OCIO

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Free Virtual Backgrounds for Your Zoom Meeting -


It takes a few seconds to load the images After starting or joining a meeting, see the lower left corner and click on the up arrow next to the video sign. And tick the "I have a green screen" checkbox. Pro tip: if you don't have a green screen then try to find a place with as simple background as possible - a white wall usually does the trick.

Finding the perfect Zoom background image is the first step. In this section, you will find some useful tips to get the most out of your next Zoom meeting. At first, always enable the "waiting room", so you will not need to chitchat with a guest while waiting for another to join. This is just one item: Zoom has the most detailed configuration when compared to competitors. Take some minutes or even hours setting up Zoom for your meetings.

Everyone loves the backgrounds that you can use in Zoom, but you need to make sure you are wearing a darker color shirt or your top will disappear into the background and you will become a floating head. If you prefer to keep yourself on mute during the meeting, you can just press spacebar similar to a walkie talk when you want to speak and then let it go to return to mute.

This is good, so you don't forget to re-mute yourself which has happened to me. Every time I hold a meeting I have a presentation to share which limits the number of people I can see on the screen. However, with the split-screen view you basically divide your screen in half so that you can simultaneously see both the participants and the slides.

I like that I can move the bar and adjust the size of the screens however I want. Another feature that I really like is the option of sharing a specific window. This allows you to display your Google Chrome window for example and still edit other documents in the background, without everyone seeing your activity. This is particularly handy for people who have a ton of open documents and tabs at all times and cannot close them before each meeting.

Milos, Co-founder of Save my Cent. I can't tell you how many people I've seen show up "late" to video meetings because of technical problems. It isn't a huge deal but it doesn't look good.

Instead, make sure you begin logging into any video system at least 5 minutes ahead of time. That will ensure you can download any necessary software and have a minute to compose yourself before everything begins. Adam Sanders, Director of Successful Release. Open up the whiteboard and collaborate with your team remotely. You can brainstorm your ideas in a more conventional way while your colleagues can also pitch in their ideas remotely.

Click on Share Screen 2. Select whiteboard and click on Share Screen 3. Watch yourself on your computer screen before you go into a Zoom meeting. Check the way the background appears, check your lighting around you and on you. Touch Up My Appearance is one great Zoom setting that isn't used enough. It can be difficult to find good lighting in your home or apartment, and webcams aren't always the most flattering.

Touch Up My Appearance works by softening your display's focus, which can help touch up any skin blemishes, among other things. To turn this setting on, click Settings in your Zoom client. Then, click Video. Check the box next to Touch Up My Appearance. This is the first setting I turn on when joining a Zoom call! Even the worst camera will look great if you give it a lot of light, and no light source looks as great as sunlight. For best results, sit about feet from a window, in a spot where you can't actually see the sun that will make harsh shadows.

Headphones offer three great rewards. First, they typically have a better microphone than your laptop mic because they are closer to your head. Secondly, they allow you to turn off your cam and walk around if you need to get some coffee or something. Thirdly, they isolate the sound more, so you won't need to ask anyone to repeat themselves.

Echo is the biggest cause of bad audio in Zoom calls. Choose a room with thick carpeting, cushy chairs, and other sound-absorbing items. The goal here is to find the opposite of a cement room. TV stations deliberately shoot anchors from the mid-chest or mid-torso. The same idea here applies to your Zoom calls. Also, remove the dead space around you. Place your head slightly below the top of the video box.

Finally, sit front and center in front of your computer or tablet. Your body should fill up the video screen. Phil Simon, author of forthcoming Zoom for Dummies. Avoid wearing red, white, and black colors on your calls.

The first two notoriously cause lighting issues. Instead, consider brighter colors that make you pop against your background.

It's extremely tempting to multi-task during any remote meeting, especially if you're not particularly engaged. My team has a "no multi-tasking honor system" during our Zoom meetings. That means that we all commit to giving our full attention and make sure our video and collaboration tools are the only things open. Brainstorming doesn't work when your brain is somewhere else! A good Zoom meeting will have a lot of ideas flying through the air. You need to be continually collecting and recording these ideas for everyone to see and iterate on.

An online whiteboard that everyone can manipulate is a powerful tool. This allows everyone to be engaged, see what you've covered, and make physical connections between ideas that you just can't do when you can't see anything.

There is a different level of engagement and creativity that happens when you can see everyone's face and they can see yours. The energy level gets ratcheted up a notch and it's easier to convey emotion. If you're not getting your team on a video call for remote Zoom sessions you're leaving ideas on the table. It's extremely easy for employees to zone out or fade into the background during remote meetings, even brainstorming sessions. A great way to keep everyone alert and engaged is randomly asking team members for input who haven't been contributing much.

It can be as simple as asking their POV on an idea or for suggestions on a particular problem. Often it just takes a single "cold call" to get someone engaged and give them the courage and desire to contribute. This goes against every communication tip you've ever heard but be careful not to look people in the eye on your video screen.

It's very tempting to do this but you end up staring into the video screen instead of the camera where you should be looking. Staring into the screen makes you appear to be looking downward or off to the side instead of straight ahead like you typically would. This can make you look distracted or uninterested even when giving your full attention. Focus your attention on the camera and use your peripheral vision to monitor reactions. There are a couple of simple things you can do to make your meetings more efficient.

Cut the meeting time since the average mind wanders after 18 minutes, hour-long video calls should be a thing of the past. Our community hunts for cool Zoom background images and lists them here so you don't have to search. None of the background images are stored on this website, we link to the original source. How to change your Zoom background Step 1: After starting or joining a meeting, see the lower left corner and click on the up arrow next to the video sign.

Step 2: Click "Choose Virtual Background Can't decide which Zoom background to choose? Try this random picker! Zoom configuration tips Enable waiting room on Zoom At first, always enable the "waiting room", so you will not need to chitchat with a guest while waiting for another to join. When using a virtual background Use spacebar to mute and unmute yourself easily If you prefer to keep yourself on mute during the meeting, you can just press spacebar similar to a walkie talk when you want to speak and then let it go to return to mute.

Use the split-screen view Every time I hold a meeting I have a presentation to share which limits the number of people I can see on the screen. Choose the screen that you want to share Another feature that I really like is the option of sharing a specific window. Try a practice run 5 minutes before I can't tell you how many people I've seen show up "late" to video meetings because of technical problems. Use Zoom shortcuts to save time 1.

Collaborate on the Virtual Whiteboard Open up the whiteboard and collaborate with your team remotely. Watch yourself first Watch yourself on your computer screen before you go into a Zoom meeting. Sit near a window Even the worst camera will look great if you give it a lot of light, and no light source looks as great as sunlight.

Wear Bluetooth headphones Headphones offer three great rewards. Add sound-absorbing things to the room Echo is the biggest cause of bad audio in Zoom calls.

Proper framing makes the difference TV stations deliberately shoot anchors from the mid-chest or mid-torso. Improve your personal appearance Avoid wearing red, white, and black colors on your calls. No multitasking honor system It's extremely tempting to multi-task during any remote meeting, especially if you're not particularly engaged.



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